Australia Obituaries
Australian and New Zealand Records Searchable database contains records of births, marriages, deaths plus a whole lot more.
Australian Cemeteries Support and resource for the members of the Australia-Cemeteries Mailing List.
Birth Death and Marriage Records Lists the names and addresses of the Registrars of Birth, Deaths and Marriages in each state and territory of Australia and indicates the current cost of certificates.
Colonial Tasmanian Family Links Database Links individuals with other members of their families living in Tasmania in the 19th Century. The information about individuals is based primarily on records of births, deaths, and marriages and similar events, held in the Archives Office. The database contains approximately five hundred thousand entries.
Directory of Australian Obituaries at Obituary Depot Searchable database of thousands Australia obituaries indexed by state and territory.
Lorraine's Burial Record Page Searchable database of cemetery records and transcriptions across Australia.
National Archives of Australia Contact addresses for Australian births, deaths and marriages.
RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: AUSTRALIA-OBITS Mailing list for individuals and volunteers to submit or request obituary information for Australia.
Ryerson Index Index to death notices appearing in current Australian newspapers. It also includes some funeral notices, probate notices and obituaries. Now 114 newspapers and over 1,000,000 entries. The website is updated every two or three weeks.
South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Features searchable Cemetery Index, Newspaper Deaths and Government Gazette databases.
Sydney Morning Herald: Obituaries Obituaries, death notices, funeral notices, burials, murders, accident & disaster victims' names and the original images as published in 18th-20th century newspapers from the US, UK, and Australia. View original newspaper images online. Completely free.